Dec 15, 2021
2022 New Year...New GOALS

Goodbye 2021! Is anyone sad to see this one go?? While it certainly wasn’t as awful as 2020, I think we can all agree that this one was no picnic either! I like to say that 2021 was the hangover from 2020 that never ended 😊
As a parent and as a business owner, each day was filled with more questions than answers. While the fear of the unknown was still there, I almost became numb to all the crazy. I have a feeling I’m not alone on that one! When my poor son was evacuated from college due to Hurricane Ida, all I did was say, ok Jack when should I book you a ticket home. When the new variant was found, all I did was say, ok, lets hope the 2 vaccines and a booster will help. When NPR announced that the lice outbreaks started up again, all I did was say, ok great, we have lots of Rosemary Repel in stock! Very blasé which for me is very out of character.
As our kids get older, I wonder what they’ll remember when they look back on these last couple of years. Will little ones suffer from the isolation? Will tweens suffer from the lack of socialization as they move into those egocentric teen years? And what about us, the parents and workers of the world who had to figure out a way to get not only ourselves but our families through this while worrying about our health and our jobs?
As we close out the year, I am just so thankful for the people in my life who have stood by me as we laughed, cried and tried to figure out just how to get by. The staff of Fairy Tales and TBH Kids are just the greatest group of people I have ever worked with. Our marketing/social media team has done such an incredible job ensuring our brands are always front and center with great content and fun promos. Our Ops team are the wheels that keep the machine going and we are so happy to say that we have had no major supply issues to date – thank you!!! Our Sales team is crushing it and you will be seeing Daily Cleanse, Tangle Tamer and Curly Q on shelves in retailers across the country next year! TBH Kids is blowing up as well and we will continue to help our Fairy Tales parents as their kids enter this new, crazy world of TWEEN!
2022 will be the year of new product launches for both Fairy Tales and TBH Kids, new categories such as body washes and lotions, Curly Q styling products, scalp care for Tweens and much more so please stay tuned.
We always love your feedback, so please let us know what you would like to see from us in 2022 – I can’t make any promises, but we love a good challenge – GO! Email me at

Risa Barash,
Founder & Owner of the entire Fairy Tales Hair Care Family