Mar 22, 2022
By Twos or Threes, Things Are Better Together

Greetings Moms & Dads! I think it is safe to say Happy Spring! The outside world is looking just a bit greener these days, isn’t it? I think we are all ready to come out of our cocoons and face each other again.
I, for one, am so excited to see people’s smiles again. You don’t realize how much you miss teeth until you can’t see them, right? My daughter Ava has a different opinion, however. Yesterday, she told me that she finds seeing all of people’s faces disturbing. I’m not sure I will worry just yet as I think it’s just some PTSD and soon, she will be comfortable seeing people maskless – here’s hoping😊
Living without human contact is not a good look for me. I am the proverbial people person and I thrive off of other people’s energy. I had a friend recently who said I am the personification of controlled chaos. And I must admit I was proud – not sure he meant it that way, though. It is a good description of me. I am messy but know where everything is; I can carry on a few conversations at once but can engage intelligently in all (or so I like to think!). What I can’t do is not be around other people. We aren’t meant to be alone, are we?? Noah was onto something on that ark!
My son Jack has been away at college since winter break and I really miss him. Jack, Ava and I are a wacky little trio and I miss my peeps. I did try to get to New Orleans to visit him, but he has politely told me to wait until his fraternity has a Mom weekend. I am not naïve enough to believe that a group of young boys will arrange a Mommy and Son get together! As I get ready to send Ava off next year, I am left wondering how I will handle me solo. My trio went to a duo and now I will be solo!! I would like to think I will embrace this new phase of my life and bask in the knowledge that my kids are wonderful, smart, kind and loving young adults. Until the next crisis occurs, right?? I like to say parenthood is just like surfing – ride the wave!
Speaking of duos and trios...have you been to the Fairy Tales site recently?? We have bundled together our bestsellers in each category and discounted them for quick and easy shopping. As a working Mom, I know time is valuable and I hope we have made your shopping experience even better. We are getting ready for some fun new launches and of course, summertime is Sun & Swim and Bug Bandit season. So visit us and check out an “Enchanted Duo or a Royal Trio” to help make Summer 2022 a time to come together and celebrate.
Risa Barash,
Founder & Owner of the entire Fairy Tales Hair Care Family