Apr 29, 2016
To My Mother on Mother’s Day

It's time to thank my Mom for molding me into the crazy person I am.
Each day that I manage to keep our business running, the children fed and dressed, the dog walked, food on the table and do a quick stop and wave to my husband on the staircase, I thank my Mom for making me strong, independent and wonderfully comfortable in my own, kooky skin.
Being a Mom is the hardest job in the world and I didn't make it easy on mine.
In the early 1970s, I either locked myself in my room and read books or acted like I was the next Carol Burnett. In the 80's, I thought I was Gilda Radner and in the 90's, all I coveted was an apartment in NYC. By 2000, I was broke and doing stand-up comedy and surprisingly, my mom supported me then, too. To this day, I cannot believe my parents let me get away with all they did!
I spent the entire summer of 1978 talking like Roseanne Roseannadana and NO ONE thought to question this.
Today, Sunday mornings are a whirlwind for many families – but not mine. Maybe it's because Rob and I are "older" parents and really tired, but I like to think it's because I remember what Sundays were to my family. It was bagels, Chinese food and the New York Times. It was my brother wrestling with my sister and my Dad ripping out newspaper articles that my Mom would throw away. And it was me playing Mrs. Wiggins, tugging on my ear and belting out, "I'm so glad we had this time together" really, really off-key – always to crazy, loud applause from my Mom.
So, I hereby publicly say to my Mom...
Thank you for always laughing with/at me, for allowing me to just be "me" and for giving me the tools and confidence to teach my children that singing off-key is perfectly fine and a little crazy is a good thing.
Happy Mother's Day, Mom and thank you for always being the Mr. Tudball to my Mrs. Wiggins!
Risa Barash, Founder & Owner
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